Rescue Stories
July 2024
“I would not have stayed sober if I left treatment to get Dice. For that, I will always be grateful to Dogs Matter and their team of angels.”
~Stephanie, Dice’s Guardian
In 2019, Sephanie was in a very dark place. Her nephew, who was like a son, was shot and killed. This led Stephanie on a downward spiral with a life-threatening addiction.
On her birthday, Christmas Eve 2019, she was so lonely that she decided to adopt a dog through a shelter, hoping to find purpose in her life. And, she found Dice, the perfect companion for her. Dice became Stephanie’s number one. Their relationship gave her motivation to get sober and healthy. When Stephanie decided to receive treatment for her addiction, she had nowhere to place Dice, so ended up leaving her with an old roommate, who made Dice live outside.
For several months, Dice was neglected and most likely abused. She ended up with severe injuries. Upon finding out how Dice was being treated, Stephanie was going to leave treatment. But, right beforehand, a friend tells Stephanie about Dogs Matter. Within 48 hours, our team finds Dice the perfect foster home. This was just hours before a dangerous artic storm hit Dallas. Our team Dallas Pets Alive! and the foster immediately picked up Dice and took her to our vet partner, Mazie’s Mission, where we found out the devastating news of her injuries.
Without the needed surgeries, Dice would have lived an excruciating painful life with limited mobility, which no dog should have to endure. Dice’s surgeries were estimated to cost $10,000.
Dice, a brave and resilient pup had severe injuries to her hips and knee. Dice welcomed the new year in search of a temporary home and thorough healing. However, after visiting the vet for an examination, we learned just how badly this poor girl has been suffering. This exam uncovered significant injuries to her hips and knee, evident in her vocalized pain and discomfort. Dice's chronic Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) rupture in her left knee required prompt attention. The extent of Dice's condition called for a TPLO surgery (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) on January 30th. This complex procedure aims to restore stability and mobility by altering the angle of the tibia, thereby reducing stress on the injured ligament. However, the diagnosis revealed more challenges ahead.
In addition to her knee injury, Dice also suffers from left hip dysplasia, a condition that developed from gradual weight-shifting over time. To address this, she required an additional procedure called Femoral Head Ostectomy. These interventions are essential to improve her quality of life but came at a significant cost.
Dice's journey has been filled with ups and downs. Through it all, Dice has remained resilient, embracing the care and hope provided by the dedicated team at Dogs Matter and Dallas Pets Alive. The immense love and compassion shown towards Dice have been inspiring and she is worth EVERY penny. Dogs Matter is continuing support to cover the cost of essential medical treatment and aftercare.
April 2022
I’ve struggled with drug addiction for 20 years and have never had a solid 6 months of sobriety in all that time. I had been drowning for so long, never seeing that I had an option to swim to shore I was on an island all alone.
My dog Bandit’s reality was he never got much food or a safe place to sleep. He had hot nights sleeping out of my car and being walked with 3 feet of shoelaces because I could never keep up with where I put his leash. His nails were so long that I know it had to have been painful for him to walk. For months I carried a pair of dog clippers in my purse, and I had the ability to take care of my dog’s poor paws, but the insanity of addiction is that we let the things that should matter the most to us fall to the bottom of the list.
I knew I needed to seek treatment but never bothered looking much into it because there was no way I was going to lose my best friend, Bandit.
With the help of my sister, GOD and the universe seems to have played a hand in connecting me to Dogs Matter. Dogs Matter showed up for me so that I could get the help I needed. It was a gift to be able to focus on myself and my recovery knowing Bandit was in good hands.
I received updates and pictures to ease my mind before I would even reach that point of worrying. It’s like they knew exactly what I needed to feel relief. For the first time in my life, I was determined not to give up. I was motivated to get my dog back, get my life back, and earn my family’s trust back. Dogs Matter has been a lifeline for both Bandit and me.
They have helped me totally judgment-free to where my eyes can now focus on the things in life that truly matter. I am forever grateful to Taylor, Stephen, Lisa, and all the people behind the scenes at the organization.
Oh, and that island I had feared being deserted, it wasn’t.